miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2021

Resumen de Movilidades en Dublín (Irlanda)

 “CLIL and PBL to Improve Student Engagement” and “Intensive English CLIL”

Europass Teacher Academy – Dublin 

22nd November to 26 th November 2021.


The main objectives of this mobility were:

  • Implement motivating activities (and for) the real world.

  • Design manageable project-based learning activities suitable for their subjects and school environment.

  • Feel confident when teaching an academic subject through a foreign language.

  • Engage students in collaborative and communicative activities appropriate to their level.

  • Scaffold projects, also when teaching content in a second language.

  • Teach contents and skills which will make a difference in students lives and in a job searches.

  • Learn techniques and new skills for teaching their academic content in English and become better equipped to develop and incorporate activities that involve the four basic skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) into their classrooms.

  • Gain new ideas and approaches for assessing language learners, correcting errors, and including more pair and group work.

You can access the complete log of activities and notes here:



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